Hidden Secrets Behind | Covid-19 | Li Wenliang Death Statement | World Wide Live Status| Wuhan

Li Wenliang  (12-October-1986 To 7-February-2020)
The death of a Chinese doctor who tried to warn about the corona virus outbreak has sparked widespread public anger and grief in China.

Li Wenliang died after contracting the virus while treating patients in Wuhan.
Last December he sent a message to fellow medics warning of a virus he thought looked like Sars - another deadly corona virus.

But he was told by police to "stop making false comments" and was investigated for "spreading rumours".
"I don't think he was rumour-mongering. Hasn't this turned into reality now?" his father, Li Shuying, told the BBC. "My son was wonderful."

According to Chinese site Pear Video, Dr Li's wife is due to give birth in June.
The virus causes severe acute respiratory infection and symptoms usually start with a fever, followed by a dry cough.
Most of those killed have been over the age of 60 or have suffered from other medical conditions, China's health authorities say. Dr Li's medical history is not known.
The country's anti-corruption body said it would open an investigation into "issues involving Dr Li".

What Is Covid-19 (Corona- Virus - Disease-2019 ) 😕

    : Corona-viruses are a family of viruses that range from the common cold to MERS corona-virus, which is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome corona-virus and SARs, Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus. Where do corona-viruses come from? Corona viruses are circulating in animals and some of these corona-viruses have the capability of transmitting between animals and humans. We call that a spillover event. How can I help protect myself from a corona-virus? The corona-viruses typically cause respiratory symptoms. So we recommend basic hand hygiene, such as washing your hands with soap and water and respiratory hygiene, such as when you sneeze, sneezing into your elbow. Ways to protect yourself against a potential animal source would be to avoid unnecessary unprotected contact with live animals and to make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after contact with animals and also to make sure your meat is cooked thoroughly before consuming.
A transmission electron microscope image of a corona-virus.

Is there treatment  😕

 :  There are no specific treatments for corona-viruses, but symptoms can be treated.


        STAY HOME.
Help stop corona-virus
STAYhome as much as you can
KEEPa safe distance
WASHhands often
COVERyour cough
SICK?Call ahead


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